
Pet Adoption Time 2.0 - More than Tabular Data

Vast improvement and refactoring of the previous Pet Adoption Time project. Incorporated image feature extraction, image metadata, entity sentiment, and text mining to the initial model Skills: Python, Keras, LightGBM, Google Vision, Google NLP, Convolutional Neural Network, TF-IDF

Sonic Strata

Front-end web app visualizing and analyzing artists’ musical audio features through Spotify’s Web API. Identifies the most unique and the most ordinary tracks for an artist and provides recommendations for other similar songs (Note: Please allow a few moments for Heroku to spin up the initial dyno) Skills: Python, App Development, CSS, API, Data Visualization

Neural Style Transfer

Extracts deep image feature representations and merges the content of one image with the style of a second images Skills: Python, TensorFlow, Computer Vision, Convolutional Neural Network

Breakfast MBA

Increasing profitability of a bakery through Association Rule Learning Skills: R, Association Rule Learning, Market Basket Analysis

Pet Adoption Time

Predicting pet adoption time using a decision tree ensemble model Skills: Python, Supervised Ensemble Learning, XGBoost, Decision Trees, χ2 Analysis, EDA

NLP & Sentiment Analysis

Predicting polarity of user reviews through text mining of IMDB reviews without NLTK's SentimentAnalyzer library Skills: Python, NLP, Sentiment Analysis, Text Mining

Predicting House Prices in Ames, Iowa

An XGBoost ensemble model predicting house prices of the Boston real estate market Skills: Python, Imputation, Regression, Feature Engineering, XGBoost, Ensemble Models

Titanic Survival Prediction

Predicting survival of passengers aboard the Titanic using binary classification machine learning Skills: Python, EDA, Feature Engineering, Imputation, Classification, Neural Networks